Tuesday 24 February 2015

Skin bleaching...

Skin bleaching has become fashionable. It has become one of the most popular beauty mechanism that most people are doing in a bid to have a light skin which they feel makes them look good, boosts their confidence and self-esteem.

Being light has become the definition of beauty. Gone are the days of the great axiom’ Black is beautiful.’ Society has been socialized to believe that white is beauty, hence the rise of skin bleaching by people across all boarders.

It’s worrying that people do not consider the long term after effects and side effects of practices such as skin bleaching. Sometimes you then wonder if people follow after popular trends they know what they are doing or it’s just ignorance.

The belief is that many black women are addicted to skin bleaching, but white women do as well. The belief is that being lighter is more beautiful but my worry is that people do it without realizing the dangers of skin bleaching.

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