Friday 6 March 2015

Internatonal women's day - Dress in Purple!


In celebration of the women’s day, they say display your solidarity by dressing head-to-toe in purple. Generally, the  colour purple is asscoaited with many meanings. History holds that Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) in Great Britain chose purple, white and green to symbolise the plight of the Suffragettes. Women’s Day has singled out purple as its signature colour, traditionally associated with justice and dignity. 

Lets make it happen in our purple outfits, lets make it a fashion of our own, at least a popular trend especially in this month of March usually termed the women's month or at least today, the day after and of cause on the fateful day, 8 March the International Women’s Day. This is a day that is set aside and  dedicated to celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women, and above all, it calls for greater gender equality across the world.

‘Make It Happen’ is the 2015 theme for this year's International women's day.

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